How to Get Around the Virginia Porn Ban with a VPN

porn ban in Virginia

How to Get Around the Virginia Porn Ban with a VPN

Numerous Virginians were surprised upon hearing they could no longer visit adult websites. However, tech savyy internet users have found a method to get around Virginia’s porn ban by using a VPN.

So, Virginia decided to make headlines recently, and not for reasons many would cheer about. Suddenly, folks in the state found themselves hitting a digital wall trying to access some of their favorite adult sites. Yep, you guessed it – sites like Pornhub are now off-limits, thanks to new rules trying to keep these websites away from minors. This move has stirred up quite the chat around the internet, touching on everything from privacy worries to just wanting to browse freely.

How to Bypass Porn Ban in the USA with a VPN?

Since these laws restricting adult content are checked by a user IP address, naturally there’s a loophole that’s both simple and smart: using a VPN. VPNs are these handy digital tools that let you change your online location and keep your browsing undercover. They’re a lifeline for keeping your internet journey your own business, especially when you’re trying to sidestep restrictions like the porn ban in Virginia.

no internet connection

You can learn more about VPN in our article What’s a VPN and Why Would Anyone Need it? Everything You Need to Know and More.

Our Top VPN Recommendation

Choosing a VPN can feel like browsing the cereal aisle – way too many options. But here’s the scoop: you want one that’s all about privacy, speed, and, of course, has lots of server locations. Some top picks from internet folks include services like NordVPN – known for its solid privacy policy and beefy security features.

NordVPN comes highly recommended for its reliability, strict no-logs policy, and strong encryption standards. Based outside the 5/9/14 eyes alliance countries’ jurisdiction, NordVPN offers over 6000+ servers in more than 100+ countries to choose from. Its features include Kill Switch which it turns off your internet connection if you have connection problems preventing an IP leak. Also, its users have an automatic protection on unsecured networks, an ad-blocker, browser extensions and many other features. All this makes NordVPN an excellent choice for privacy-conscious users to help bypass the Pornhub ban in Virginia.

To get started using a VPN, you simply can follow the steps below before accessing your chosen adult site:

  • Choose a VPN provider
  • Download and install the VPN app on your streaming devices
  • Sign in to the app
  • Connect to a server located outside the restricted states
  • Access your preferred adult websites without needing to verify your age with a government ID

What’s Up with Virginia’s New No-Go on Porn?

Virginia’s legislation requires adult content providers to implement age verification systems, ensuring that users are at least 18 years old. This move, while aimed at protecting minors, raises significant privacy concerns for adults and has been criticized for restricting personal freedoms.

pornhub ban in USA

Why Pornhub Is No Longer Available in Virginia?

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty. Virginia went all in on this new rule aiming to keep kids out of adult corners of the web. The result? Big names in the adult industry like Pornhub put up the “We’re Closed” sign for anyone browsing from Virginia. It’s a bit of a mirror move from what they did in other states (Texas, North Carolina, Montana, Arkansas, Utah, Mississippi, and Louisiana) faced with the same push to tighten up age checks. While the goal might be to protect the younger crowd, it’s also kicked up a dust storm over privacy and, well, personal freedom.

Yet another state facing the same scenario to be repeated is Indiana. A bill that would allow an age verification mandate and would open the possibility for parents to sue porn sites if their children get past age verification barriers is on its way to the Governor. It might come into effect on July 1st.

Opinions on the Porn Ban Are Divided

Visitors with Virginia IP addresses who visit Pornhub’s website now see the following message: “Until the real solution is offered, we have made the difficult decision to completely disable access to our website in Virginia.” 

While some people feel this law helps to keep their children more secure, many people disapprove of the law and its consequences. Many took it to the internet to express their disapproval and concerns.

Is VPN Legal in the USA?

For now, VPNs are like the secret tunnels out of this new maze. They’re legal, they’re effective, and they let you browse in peace. Whether it’s getting around the porn ban in Virginia or just wanting a bit more privacy, a VPN can be your best friend in these digital times.

Not sure which VPN to choose? Here’s our top 3 recommended VPNs:

NordVPN ($3.09/month) – leading VPN service with thousands of servers, blazing speeds and military-grade encryption.

Surfshark ($2.19/month) – a fast VPN service that gives so much for very little: strong encryption, unlimited devices, etc.

Perfect Privacy ($8.95/month) – great Swiss VPN provider for your privacy, though comes with Swiss price tag.

Numerous Virginians were surprised upon hearing they could no longer visit adult websites. However, tech savyy internet users have found a method to get around Virginia’s porn ban by using a VPN.