What Is The Dark Web and How To Access It (Easy Guide 2021)


What Is The Dark Web and How To Access It (Easy Guide 2021)

What is the Dark Web

Without the dark web we only see a small part of the internet, everything else is hidden on the Dark Web. Dark web is generally speaking a collection of websites that are encrypted and everyone’s IP addresses are hidden. This means that surfing on the Dark Web is absolutely anonymous, that is why so many people like it and use it. Dark Web websites are not indexed by traditional search engines so you can only access them using a special browser like TOR

How to access the Dark Web safely

The easiest and most comfortable way to access dark web is through the Tor browser. Tor browser uses URLs that end in .onion, while traditional browsers use .com. Keep in mind that URLs change regularly since these websites encounter many DDoS attacks and are in danger of being banned. 

When you are connected to the dark web ISPs, the government and any other third party members will see what you are doing on the dark web. The problem is that they will know that you are connected to Tor browser and that is enough for some countries and governments to start keeping an eye on you and be suspicious. 

That is why you will need to use a VPN together with the Tor browser. Your connection will be first encrypted by a VPN and then by the Tor Network. That means that nobody will know you are on a Tor browser. 

Our top 3 recommended VPNs:

Not sure which VPN to choose? Here’s our top 3 recommended VPNs:

NordVPN ($3.99/month) – leading VPN service with thousands of servers, blazing speeds and military-grade encryption.

Surfshark ($2.19/month) – a fast VPN service that gives so much for very little: strong encryption, unlimited devices, etc.

Perfect Privacy ($8.95/month) – great Swiss VPN provider for your privacy, though comes with Swiss price tag.

Guide on how to access the Dark Web

  1. Get yourself a trusted VPN. When you connect to the VPN your traffic is encrypted and your IP address is changed, which means nobody will know this is you. 
  2. Get the Tor browser. Before downloading the Tor browser make sure your VPN is running, if it is you can safely get the Tor Browser, just keep in mind to download it from the official Tor project website https://www.torproject.org.
  3. When the Tor browser is installed look for the folder and press “Start Tor Browser”. When you open the file click the “connect” button. 
  4. You will be directed to the most secure search engine DuckDuckGO. Just don’t think that this is it, you are on the dark web. No you are not, you will need to use .onion links to get there.

There are Dark Web search engines that will bring you to the Dark web: 

Many people think that the Dark Web is meant only for illegal activities, buying guns, drugs and stuff. But don’t worry it isn’t. It is meant to build a community that could discuss, look for information, get the uncensored news and do it privately. 

Need more ideas on what do on the Dark Web? Check our article of the 5 Dark Web websites worth visiting right here.

Without the dark web we only see a small part of the internet, everything else is hidden on the Dark Web. Dark web is generally speaking a collection of websites that are encrypted and everyone’s IP addresses are hidden.

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