How to Bypass UK Porn Block

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How to Bypass UK Porn Block

Talks about putting serious age verification systems into porn sites in the UK started back in 2015. After 4 years the time has come and in 2019, 15th of July, the UK porn block will come into action. Read this article to learn how to bypass it.

It is only called “porn block”, the UK will not be blocking porn sites, they just simply want to put verification systems, so that underage children will not be able to access adult content. At first glance, it sounds fair and understandable. But when we think about it, it has serious problems and might be one of the silliest things the UK government has ever done. 

How it will work

Basically, Governments will leave the porn companies to deal with creating age verification systems, and if they do not do it they will meet big fines. Currently MindGeek, a company that owns sites such as PornHub, RedTube, Brazzers is developing a verification system called AgeID. It will help to identify users ages, users will need to present some sort of document like a passport, drivers license and similar. There will also be an opportunity to buy “porn pass” from street retailers. Basically you will verify your age to the retailer since the card can only be bought when you are over 18, and then you will need to login with the card to porn sites. It all sounds really easy but there are a lot of problems behind this porn block. 

Why Porn Block is a Bad Idea? 

  • First of all, it will not work. UK citizens can easily bypass this porn block by using a VPN (I will present how to bypass Porn Block with a VPN later) or just finding adult content on such pages as Reddit. There are thousands, maybe millions of porn sites, and the government of the United Kingdom will hardly manage to control them all. Also kids are really smart, they will find a way to bypass this, the internet is a big place you cannot control it all. 
  • Secondly, it will encourage illegal activity. Banning porn for underaged adults could lead them looking for illegal solutions like purchasing fake documents. Also it could lead children going on the Dark Web, where they could be anonymous and access everything. The problem is that the Dark Web could be a scary place and they could see stuff that could actually traumatize them. 
  • Porn Block is an actual threat to our privacy online. Imagine someone knowing all that you do on porn sites. Nobody wants their pronunciation to be known and such information collected somewhere. With the verification systems porn sites will know exactly each user name and what are they doing on their sites. And if this information is stolen and leaked, it doesn’t sound fun. Porn Block is an actual threat to our freedom online.

How to bypass UK Porn Block with a VPN

This is pretty easy:

  • Get a VPN that has fast servers outside of UK and which doesn’t collect logs.
  • Buy the subscription of the VPN and log in.
  • Connect to any server outside of the UK, preferably the one that is not far away then the speeds will be better. 
  • Go to Adult content sites and enjoy.

Not sure which VPN to choose? Here’s our top 3 recommended VPNs:

NordVPN ($3.99/month) – leading VPN service with thousands of servers, blazing speeds and military-grade encryption.

Surfshark ($2.19/month) – a fast VPN service that gives so much for very little: strong encryption, unlimited devices, etc.

Perfect Privacy ($8.95/month) – great Swiss VPN provider for your privacy, though comes with Swiss price tag.

Lear more about using VPN on multiple devices in our other article Best VPNs to use on multiple devices.

Talks about putting serious age verification systems into porn sites in the UK started back in 2015. After 4 years the time has come and in 2019, 15th of July, the UK porn block will come into action.

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