VPN for Public Wi-Fi – Why you need to use it

Nowadays you can find and use public wi-fi everywhere, from airports to cafes. It made our lives easier and we can stay connected all the time, we can work from anywhere, watch movies, and do whatever you need to do on the internet from any place. Probably most of us gets pretty excited when we…

Most secure browsers for 2021

In this guide you will find the most secure browsers for 2021. We will not discuss the most popular ones like Chrome or Safari, we will discuss less known ones but more security based ones.

Best VPNs to use on multiple devices

For people who have big families or just a lot of devices, or maybe for those who have small businesses one VPN might not sound not enough, since many devices need to be connected to one account. Do not worry there are VPNs that support multiple devices at the same time and you can secure…

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